"It's all Star Wars, whenever it takes place."
(John Jackson Miller)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (abgekürzt auch als KotOR bekannt) läuft seit 2006. Die Storyline wird geschrieben von John Jackson Miller. Die Geschichte spielt mehrere tausend Jahre (zwischen 3,964 BBY und 3,963 BBY)in der Vergangenheit, vom ersten Kinofilm, Episode 5, aus gesehen.
Nummer | Titel |
0 | Crossroads |
1 | Commencement, Part 1 |
2 | Commencement, Part 2 |
3 | Commencement, Part 3 |
4 | Commencement, Part 4 |
5 | Commencement, Part 5 |
6 | Commencement, Part 6 |
7 | Flashpoint, Part 1 |
8 | Flashpoint, Part 2 |
9 | Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming |
10 | Flashpoint, Part 3 |
11 | Reunion, Part 1 |
12 | Reunion, Part 2 |
13 | Days of Fear, Part 1 |
14 | Days of Fear, Part 2 |
15 | Days of Fear, Part 3 |
16 | Nights of Anger, Part 1 |
17 | Nights of Anger, Part 2 |
18 | Nights of Anger, Part 3 |
19 | Daze of Hate, Part 1 |
20 | Daze of Hate, Part 2 |
21 | Daze of Hate, Part 3 |
22 | Knights of Suffering, Part 1 |
23 | Knights of Suffering, Part 2 |
24 | Knights of Suffering, Part 3 |
25 | Vector, Part 1 |
26 | Vector, Part 2 |
27 | Vector, Part 3 |
28 | Vector, Part 4 |
29 | Exalted, Part 1 |
30 | Exalted, Part 2 |
31 | Turnabout |
32 | Vindication, Part 1 |
33 | Vindication, Part 2 |
34 | Vindication, Part 3 |
35 | Vindication, Part 4 |
36 | Prophet Motive, Part 1 |
37 | Prophet Motive, Part 2 |
38 | Faithful Execution |
39 | Dueling Ambitions, Part 1 |
40 | Dueling Ambitions, Part 2 |
41 | Dueling Ambitions, Part 3 |